Monday, March 23, 2009

Cape Fear Wedding Association

In any industry, working with people who share your passion and enthusiasm for the 'thing' you are interested in is very important. I found out that Wilmington has a Wedding Association which allows professionals in the field to visit their meetings in order to get to know other wedding business owners and possibly join the Association.

I went to one of their meetings last Wednesday and met several people - three photographers, a DJ and his wife, a hotel sales manager, AND the president of the Association. By the way, Cape Fear Wedding Association is the name of the group. I love it because the name is so similar to mine. I'm not sure how the Association feels about that.

Since there were several photographers present, I asked if I could have a favor done for a 'new guy' to the group and have a picture of me made with John Meyer, the President of Cape Fear Wedding Association. Logan Wallace agreed and shot this photo of John and me.

I'm the bearded guy (with glasses). Thanks Logan.

I also spent a few minutes talking with two florists from Moxie Floral Design Studios. I am embarrassed to say their names slip my memory. That happens when you meet a lot of new people within 90 minutes or so. I do plan to visit their studio and see their work (and learn their names).

Chris and Melodee Walters will always be easy for me to remember their names because I have a brother and sister by those names. Although my sister is Melanie, it will not be hard for me to get Melodee's name right next time I see her. Melody told me she does weddings too. But only in the case of emergency! Turns out, she and Chris were booked to provide music for a wedding once where the Minister who had already been paid, did not show up. The BIG scramble to replace him began and a replacement was finally located. The minister conducted the wedding - very late. Melodee was encouraged to get qualified to conduct weddings so if the occasion every presented itself again she could simply step in and conduct the wedding - on time.

By the end, I knew I would be joining this group. They were collectively impressive and individually hospitable. Exactly the kind of professionals I want to get to know better and work with in the wedding industry. Matter of fact, I ending this now so I can go apply for membership.

Blessings on you all,

Rev Dale

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wilmington NC Beach Weddings

Calls and emails are coming in every day now for Wilmington NC Beach Weddings. This is a terrific setting because the choice of beaches here - Kure Beach, Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach, Topsail Beach - is just that - CHOICE!

It's interesting to hear from couples how and why they choose to come to the Cape Fear region to get married. One lady actually grew up in Wilmington but moved to Massachusetts, fell in love and always wanted to be married at Hugh McRae Park - a garden wedding. They will be here in April '09 when the azaleas will be flamingly colorful.

Others have visited here on vacation, fell in love with the Wilmington area thereby deciding to make Cape Fear their destination wedding site.

Also, it is quite interesting to hear from couples the struggle they have finding a Wilmington North Carolina Wedding Minister. I am trying harder and harder to make that task easier and easier for everyone who wants to come here to be married. I think everyone should come here for their Wilmington NC Beach Weddings! I do hope you don't think me shameless for that sentiment. I wish I had known about this blue-tiful place when Bettsy and I got married nearly 23 years ago.

Oh well, since we are here now, perhaps we should be planning Beach Renewal of Vows Ceremony for our 25th wedding anniversary in a few years.

What do you think?



Monday, March 16, 2009

Talk about Wedding Planning on the Candid Wedding Minister Blog

Greetings and Welcome . . .

to The Candid Wedding Minister Blog! My name's Reverend Dale Curtis but please just call me Rev.

If you haven't found my website,                      , then hop over there after you take a few minutes to look around my blog here . . . click on any links which interest you . . . be sure to bookmark this site . . . and check back regularly for information, articles and posts from guests who leave comments.

As an ordained minister I conduct wedding ceremonies for couples coming to the Cape Fear area of North Carolina as their destination-of-choice to be married.

I am contacted by many more couples with lots of questions about wedding planning and choosing a wedding minister than I actually do wedding ceremonies for, so, I thought a blog about wedding topics, finding resources, and question & answer sessions would be helpful to couples even if they're not coming to Wilmington.

This is a safe place to ask candid questions and get candid answers; a place to find out what others are going through while they are planning their weddings; and a place to find the best and latest resources/vendors for your wedding needs.

So before you leave to visit my website,                  , please do this:
  • Post comments letting me know if you think this blog will be helpful to you;
  • List the three things which are your BIGGEST problems in planning your wedding.