Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Sand Ceremony Trend

The origin of the Sand Ceremony remains a mystery. Some argue for origins in the Native America tradition while others say it has long been the Hawaiians who can claim first to use this unique way of a couple showing unity in marriage.

But the trend for using the ceremony grows year after year especially after Ryan and Trista on "The Bachelorette" cast it into the public's eye.

The simplicity and beauty of the act launched the trend within the wedding industry for marriage ceremonies.

It of course replaces the much loved Unity Candle ceremony. That ceremony is a visual and interactive event which can include the parents of the bride and groom and dramatizes the union of the couple as they light a single candle using their individual candle.

The idea of 'two becoming one' expressed by the couple to publicly show their unity is a very strong tenant in wedding ceremonies. Therefore, the creation of the Sand Ceremony allowed for an equally meaningful way to replicate the Unity Candle part of the wedding.

There are several reasons for the trend:

  • candles cannot be lit outside and if you do get them lit, they won's stay lit
  • the beauty of the glass container with different colored sand is a wonderful keepsake
  • it's easy to include children and other people like mothers in the ceremony
So now, once the vows are said and the rings exchanged, the pouring of the sand comfortably follows and fits within the overall order of the wedding.

The options for conducting this element of your wedding vary just like that of the Unity Candle. You can do one of the following:

  1. Pour the sand without any sound
  2. Pour the sand while music is being played
  3. Pour the sand while the minister explains to those attending what is happening
  4. Have the minister explain what is about to happen with the sand and why
  5. Have the mothers pour part of the bride and groom's sand before they are seated
  6. Let children pour their own sand color before the bride and groom do
  7. Any combination of the above or come up with your own arranged order
If you have not considered or seen the variety of containers and colors, you should. There are many online sites from which you can see or buy what you need.

For your convenience and research here's some places to begin.

Join the trend and happy pouring . . .

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